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잼픽커 2024.06.13 23:24 조회 수 : 2


해티 그린이란 아줌만데 찢어지게 가난한 집에 태어난게 아니라 엄청 부자집에 태어났고

죽을때 자산이 2.3빌리언! (1916)

부잣집 고명딸이었으나 평생 병적인 짠순이어서

16살부터 빤쓰 기워서 죽을때까지 새 빤쓰 안 샀음.


그시대에 스탁마켓에 투자해서 돈도 벌고 또 밀리언에어랑 결혼도 했음

버뜨 돈을 정말 한푼도 쓰지 않음.

온수도 안 쓰고 마트에서 버린 음식 먹고, 사먹는 것도 2센트 하는 파이만 먹었다고 함.

평생 시꺼먼 드레스만 다 떨어질때 까지 입었다고 함.

심지어 고집스런 구둣쇠 버릇 때문에 아들이 다리가 절단되는 사건이 생김

애가 다리 부러졌는데 병원에 데려갈 생각은 안하고

공짜고 고쳐주는거 찾다가 결국은 치료시기가 늦어 그 다리를 절단해야 했음

81세에 돌아가셨는데 그것도 집에 있는 도움이 아줌마가 월급 좀

올려주라고 싸움하다 열 받아서 뇌졸증으로 운명.

자산을 물려 받은 자식들은 다행히도 구둣쇠 성품은 안 이어 받았고

딸은 엄마돈으로 병원도 세움.


Hetty Green...the most stingy woman in history, her wealth is estimated at more than $2.3 billion. Hetty Greene was born in America in 1835. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman.

She inherited from her father a fortune estimated at $7.5 million. When she was twenty-one years old, she moved to live in New York to invest her money in Wall Street and was called the Wicked Witch of Wall Street.

She married a millionaire like herself, but still lived on leftover cakes and broken biscuits in grocery stores and argued to get a free bone for her dog every day!! Hetty Greene was a very miserable woman. She sewed underpants when she was 16 years old and did not change them or buy others until the day of her death.

She never spent a penny, so it was said that she never used hot water, that she wore a black dress that she did not change until it was completely worn out, and that she lived on eating a pie that cost only two cents.

Hetty caused her son to amputate his leg because when he broke it, she delayed treating it because she insisted not to She spent no money and kept looking for free medical attention.

Hetty Greene died in 1916 at the age of 81 in New York City, and was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “most stingy person in the world.”

The cause of her death was a stroke due to a quarrel with her maid because the maid asked for an increase in her meager salary.

She died and left behind a huge fortune, and her children did not inherit her extreme stinginess, but rather they were generous to the point that her daughter built a free hospital with her money!! 

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